Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Library

I would like to admit my addiction to books.  Children's books, specifically.  I sold thousands of books when I first stopped being a classroom teacher.  Then I bought hundreds (?) of books for my own growing children.  Then I bought hundreds (at least) of books for preschool themes.  Now, I need to reorganize it so we can access what we want.  I've decided to make our home library similar to a real library.  Each book has (or will have) a home on a specific shelf, even in a specific bin.  They have stickers to identify where they belong and will have matching shelf labels.  I've sorted them into categories.  There are ten overarching categories and then subcategories within those 10.  Each of the 10 categories is assigned a specific color to help with re-shelving.  I've even scanned barcodes (ISBN numbers) into a system so I can "Check Out" books to students and friends who are borrowing items.  Sounds awesome, right?  Problem is, it's the finished project that will be awesome and the AWFUL mess isn't so awesome.  I'm working on it, and I've made a lot of progress over the last couple of days, but I don't actually have book shelves yet and I've run out of book boxes.  I guess I need to head back to Ikea to get more.  In the mean time, my basement looks like this:
 We have regular preschool tomorrow morning....
 And I've run out of motivation to figure out how the rest of the books should be organized....
For now, it's a great start.  And yes, I'm blogging because I don't want to clean up the mess...

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