While at the sand dunes with our Egypt Camp we learned about the Junior Ranger Program that the National Parks have. I'd never heard of it before but we stumbled upon Junior Ranger Day. A special day at the sand dunes where kids could earn a Junior Ranger patch for completing certain activities. At first I wasn't too thrilled about trying to do that and Egypt Camp (Steve was gone sand-boarding and I had to manage it all) but eventually the call of the rangers was just too enticing :). We got a little form and started completing the activities. The boys learned a ton and had a fantastic time doing the activities. They worked with rangers to learn about the surge of the water and how/why it happens by the sand dunes. They also learned about 3 types of beetles that are common on the sand dunes: the circus beetle, the tiger beetle and the cricket.
They also learned about some of the animals by pretending to be the kangaroo rat.They rolled down the hill like the circus beetle and learned all about furs and skull bones of different animals in the area.
They learned to shoot a spear and earned their badges! I got them the green vests to hold all their badges (another "Egyptian" had one to show off all her badges and it is so awesome!). When we get home I'll be putting the badges on so they are ready for their next adventure.
Oh yea, did I say badges (plural)? I sure did. We earned the special badge on Junior Ranger day. Then we learned that each National Park also has a park badge that you can earn by doing other activities. The next day we went to the visitors center, got the booklet and completed all the work and learning needed to earn the Sand Dunes patch. CJ has now declared that when he grows up he'd like to be a ranger. Sweet.