Friday, July 26, 2013

We've had a fantastic vacation visiting our family in Utah.  The boys are so excited about the kindergarten science plans I have.  We'll use the MythBusters Science Fair books and pick out activities that look great to us. While riding on the airplane the boys flipped through the books and marked anything that was appealing.  We have also been working on our TouchMath PreK unit 1.  CJ is struggling with the written form of larger numbers (most numbers with a ten and a one).  I love that one of the pages was a dot to dot to make a picture.  CJ wasn't in to coloring it but enjoyed the dot to dot part.  It's the type of page that I wish I had laminated though so he could do it over and over again.  It's a fun way to get in repetitive practice of numerals in order. On our trip we enjoyed being outside, exploring the aviary and jumping lots on the tramp!

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